I signed up for a house and lot ownership through assume balance but the seller failed to be truthful and had been uncooperative ever since I fulfilled the payment. The following are the irresponsible acts of the seller:
As soon as she received my payment, she moved to a different address and won't answer phone calls.
She took advantage of my ignorance, not being familiar about how assume balance works. She failed to inform me that there were unpaid monthly amortization of 4 months, amounting to 170k. She only discussed the amount that I have to pay her (500k) and her remaining balance to the financing (1.7m). It was too late when I found out and I was forced to pay the 170k so that I can claim the property.
She promised to pay her electric and water bill but only paid a portion of the electricity and didn't pay the water bill resulting to disconnection.
Failure to comply with our request that she must provide SPA who can sign documents on her behalf.
She failed to inform the financing about her decision to sell the house and lot. My transaction with the financing was difficult and very tedious because their protocol was not followed properly.
What case can I file against her? Until now, she is still hiding.